The Brand Files: Episode 05

September 7, 2023

Filed in: Podcast


  • Getting organized to begin the website launch process
  • Reasons to invest in high quality brand photography for your business
  • Content creation – Why it’s one of the most important steps in creating a website
  • How writing everything out can help you navigate your vision & goals
  • Navigating email marketing



Planning to launch a new website but have no clue where to start? We can help!

In today’s episode of The Brand Files, Jade Buford gives her expert tips on how to go through a website launch process feeling confident and empowered, rather than scattered and overwhelmed. Building your brand and designing your website should be a positive and enjoyable experience, so JAC is here to help! Jade walks us through everything you need to do in order to prepare for a website launch, whether that be with a web designer or DIY!


First things first… Get your passwords together!

Getting organized and having all logins accessible and ready to go will help everything go much more smooth when entering the website launch process. This step is especially helpful when working with a web designer, as it saves time and avoids frustration for everyone involved! 

Buy your own stuff! Buying your own domain name and hosting will help you to stay secure throughout the website building process. This can also just avoid unnecessary issues and stressful situations such as losing access to things such as domain. Owning your own things in this process can better ensure accessibility and security, and ultimately provide peace of mind.


Book a professional brand photo shoot! Doing this can make you feel confident and more professional within your brand. Having high quality photography can be an excellent way to showcase personality.

If this tip is not for you, consider at least getting headshots for your about page on your website!

Is your business product based? Invest in product photography to help sell your product! Doing this can give a distinct look & feel to your product and overall business. 


DIY-ing not for you? Consider a copywriter for your content. Content creation can be one of the biggest things that creates hold up in the website design process… Trust me! Getting ahead of this will set you and your website up for success! This step is also extremely helpful for anyone working with a web designer, because it can allow you to showcase you inspiration and ideas for what content you have, want, and plan to use for your business! 

For anyone interested in the DIY route, consider our JAC website workbook for content! We offer a very thorough guide to all things web content for clients that want to work on this on their own. 


Write out your bio: Consider a teaser/about page to give clients a better grasp of you and your business. One recommendation is a short form bio that links over to an about me page or tab. This can include things like your mission, how you got started with your business, and more information that could lead into a long form bio. 

Write out details of all offers: Think about what do you offer? What’s included? Prices? Showcasing the answers to common questions allows web designers/developers to showcase your businesses services in the best way possible!

Write out the client process: Give an answer to what it looks like to work with you from start to finish. This allows potential clients to understand what they can expect when working with you, and help them to differentiate why they should work with you! This is a great way to showcase what makes you and your business stand out and why clients should work with you. 

Don’t like writing? Here’s a tip for you: 

Talk it out rather than write it out. Talk through your website, what you want certain pages to include, then transcribe. Doing this will allow you to explain and better understand all of your own points and visions for your website and branding- and also prevents google doc syndrome. (Staring at the blank page not knowing what to start writing) 


Email marketing can be utilized as a great tool to showcase your website and business to clients. To get started in email marketing, pick out a software to set up. Set up any necessary accounts and include your branding to get your brand out there! If you are on a budget, consider using Mailchimp… It is free! JAC loves using Flodesk for all things email marketing. It is a great tool for the basics, and is also beginner friendly. Flodesk allows you to pay a flat rate no matter how many subscribers you have, which could potentially save you money compared to other brands!

Want to include a lead magnet? JAC has our website copy book as our lead magnet! You could have a quiz, Ebook, Free guide, checklist, private podcast, etc.! 

Think about what to use as a call to action! This can help when giving materials to a web designer, as it can help better match your vision for your website.

Another good thing to consider in the preparation stage is what technology you want to include for your email marketing. Think about if you want to incorporate auto emails, and other tools to keep up with your email marketing with less effort for you or your web designer.

This sounds like a lot..

The first three steps are the most important! The rest could be optional, or could just come down the road. 


  • Outline & gather your content!
  • Work on about me materials! 
  • Map out details & aspects like client experience!


If you have to pick one thing from this whole episode of tips… it’s this. Start working on content! Getting ahead on creating and gathering content sets you up for success for working with your designer and allows you to get ahead of the website launch process! 

To hear more from Jade Buford and her tips for launching a new website, LISTEN NOW!

Did you love hearing about Jade’s insight on launching a new website & small business strategy?  To see more from Jade Buford and J Alexandria Creative, visit our website or follow us on socials.  Thanks so much to those of you who listened or read this post to learn more about how to navigate the website launch process for your brand!  

Want to hear more of The Brand Files? Click Here for Episode 04!

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  1. […] you’ve checked out our latest podcast episode, we’ve been discussing things that can help business owners prepare for a web design project. […]

  2. […] Want to hear more of The Brand Files? Click Here for Episode 05! […]

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