The Brand Files: Episode 06

September 21, 2023

Filed in: Podcast

Your Black Friday Strategy Session


Black Friday Podcast Link


  • All things Black Friday prep for your small business
  • Getting organized for a more strategic Black Friday approach
  • What you can get started on NOW to benefit you later!
  • Auditing and testing your website to ensure a smooth customer experience


Welcome back to The Brand Files! In today’s episode, Jade Buford gives us all the tips and tricks in order to prep for Black Friday! She provides insight on what you can start doing now to have a successful and stress free Black Friday experience for your business. Follow along to learn all about how to best optimize your time and skills to have the best Black Friday!

Step 1: Sit down and map EVERYTHING out!

Planning and mapping everything in your calendar will help you stay organized and start your sale with less chaos! Things to consider would be…

When is the best time to do the sale? This step is helpful for figuring out the dates of when your sale is going to be. Some people prefer to do their sales prior to actual Black Friday, so mapping out ahead of time will help you to have everything ready before it needs to go up. This also helps the sale launch process run more smooth, and can also help you to enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday with less stress!

Check out our PDF calendar to help you get organized! This is a great tool to map out your strategy and keep your plans on track!

Figure out WHAT your offer is going to be – Ultimately you want your client to feel like it’s a win, BUT you don’t want to devalue your product/service/etc. 

Figure out your assets:  Consider making a spreadsheet with dates of sale and what is offered within the sale. This is another step that allows you to keep everything organized and on track for your specific sale dates.

Consider creating a mini marketing plan! This could include: What content needs to be created? How many emails should be sent? Sales page? Coupon codes? Scheduling for video/social media content? 

Step 2: Lead Up Time! – You can start this NOW! 

This is the time to get people thinking about your deals or discounts – ramp them up – get people excited to stay tuned. This step is crucial in figuring out your marketing plan for Black Friday. 

Black Friday could use around 4 weeks ramp up time to get clients and customers interested & excited! A good teaser could be “Somethings coming..” to catch attention and keep customers on their toes. Something like this can plant the seed in a customers head to look out for what is coming!

Start figuring out the timeframe for this ramp up. How many weeks out do you need to tease out your Black Friday offers? This step will help you begin to pivot your content to be all about Black Friday,  bringing it to the top of mind for viewers & customers. 

Step 3: Audit your website 

Closer to the sale, consider creating promo banners! Think homepage bars and banners to start building assets to promote your sale.

Build a Black Friday hub or sales page! Consider a landing page for ONLY Black Friday promo content – JAC has done this! This can help the customer experience by making the Black Friday information more accessible.

  • Promos can be listed
  • Call to actions 
  • Testimonials
  • Any bonuses or specific details of the offer you want to include
  • Another bonus to this – You can re-use this page! Just update the content and visuals each year, but this provides a great framework to utilize for Black Fridays materials in the future.

Schedule coupon codes for the year. You can do this in advance – one less thing to do last minute! 

Double check your site speed. Pingdom is a great tool to utilize for this! Optimize what you need before Black Friday. If your site is slow, it can prevent traffic and sales for customers. Ideally you want this to build value for what you should participate and buy!

Step 4: Test Your Page! 

Test every part of the customer experience. You want to be sure that everything is up and running in an efficient way to avoid impatience with site visitors. People will be more likely to engage with your sale if they can easily access it! Be sure to check all buy buttons, call to actions, discount codes, etc.

One approach to this could be creating a discount code for 100% off and go test it. This saves time so you don’t have to enter payment info, but also helps you to verify and improve customer experience with your brand. This step can also eliminate stressful situations when you are trying to enjoy the holidays while also running Black Friday promos! 


  1. Tease it out – Get your audience aware and excited!
  2. Pivot your audience – You want your audience primed, aware, and excited for your upcoming offers.
  3. Take the time to strategize your Black Friday sale. Don’t forget to utilize our PDF calendar to help with your planning!


To hear more from Jade Buford and her tips for Black Friday prep, LISTEN NOW!

Did you love hearing about Jade’s insight on launching a new website & small business strategy?  To see more from Jade Buford and J Alexandria Creative, visit our website & follow us on socials.  Thanks so much to those of you who listened or read this post to learn the best way to prepare for Black Friday with your business!  

Want to hear more of The Brand Files? Click Here for Episode 05!

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