What is an Instagram Landing Page and Why Do You Need One?

March 11, 2020

You’ve seen plenty of different tools to help you optimize the link in your bio. Linktree. Link in Bio, etc. These tools can be super easy to use, and it seems like a no-brainer. You need an easy way to share multiple links with your Instagram audience without having to constantly update the link in your bio. Linktree can be great, but did you know it’s actually better to create a landing page on your website to share your links with your audience on Instagram? 

why you need an instagram landing page | J. Alexandria Creative

Here’s why you should create an Instagram Landing Page on Your Website: 

You’re sending traffic to your own website vs. someone else’s

Creating an Instagram landing page actually takes advantage of the traffic you would originally be sending to Linktree or another similar tool, when you can directly send that traffic to your website. You can measure page views to see how much traffic you’re getting to that page via your Google Analytics, and it’s a great way to get those people to your site from the start. Not to mention, sending new traffic to your site and updating content on your site frequently is a great way to boost your SEO. 

You can create a more branded experience

Using an out of the box online tool limits you to the look and feel of the tool you’re working with. By adding an Instagram landing page, you can create a more personal experience with your audience that will automatically make you stand out from all the people who are using LinkTree or other tools that are similar. The look and feel can be super customized to your brand. 

Detailed  analytics

If you use Analytics, you can actually track how people are navigating this page, so you can be more strategic in the placement of the links on the page. You can have a better understanding of how they are navigating your site, because you can track it via your Google Analytics and have a more detailed view of how your audience is moving through your website from Instagram. 

So what links should you include in my Instagram landing page?

When you’re thinking about the links you want to include, you definitely want to think about things you’re sharing often with your audience, and how you can make that content easy to access! Here’s a few of our favorites to include on our Instagram landing page: 

  1. Link to subscribe to your newsletter or your email opt-in: You should definitely be sharing about your email list to your social audience, so you can definitely include that so you can point people to subscribe. If you have an opt-in, you’ll want to include that so people can easily sign up to get that! 
  2. Your blog: If you are publishing new content on your blog, having a link to your blog page is a great way to have a way for people to access your latest blog posts, without having to constantly update the blog link in your bio. 
  3. A link to book your services, a discovery call, purchase your product etc.: This is the PRIORITY link because you want to make it easy for people to inquire with you/work with you/buy from you, so make sure you include a link to make a next step towards purchasing your product or service! 

Our biggest tip for this page on your website? Keep it simple! All you need to do is include a button for each item that you want to link to, and make it super clear the different options people have to link to. Click here to check our Instagram landing page! We kept ours super simple! The goal is to direct them towards the content, and too many elements can be distracting, so keep it pretty and clean, but SIMPLE. 

Let us know once you have your landing page ready! We would love to check it out! 🙂

Until next time! 


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