Nailed Up by Vero | Nail Salon Branding

September 10, 2019

Filed in: Branding

I had so much fun working on this fun project with Lumos Creative! Nailed Up by Vero came to us ready to level up her brand and take her vegan, cruelty-free nail salon to the next level. We came up with a brand identity surrounding Vero’s mission to help women feel like their best selves while also promoting vegan and cruelty-free products. Vero is an amazing nail artist who’s designed nails for celebrity clients. We are so thrilled for her as she grows into the next phase of her business!

Here’s a look into our process for this nail salon branding project:

Nailed Up by Vero, Vegan and Cruelty-Free nail salon branding project by J. Alexandria Creative, Huntsville Alabama branding and web designer. Mood Board.

This is what we created for her brand board based upon the mood board.

Nailed Up by Vero, Vegan and Cruelty-Free nail salon branding project by J. Alexandria Creative, Huntsville Alabama branding and web designer. Brand Board design.

We created a full logo lockup with her new tagline we developed.

Nailed Up by Vero, Vegan and Cruelty-Free nail salon branding project by J. Alexandria Creative, Huntsville Alabama branding and web designer. Logo with tagline mockup.

Business Card Design

Nailed Up by Vero, Vegan and Cruelty-Free nail salon branding project by J. Alexandria Creative, Huntsville Alabama branding and web designer. Business card design mockup.

We had so much fun developing this brand identity.

Interested in working together? Click here to book a call with us.

View our pricing and informational guide here.



Nail Salon Branding by J. Alexandria Creative | Brand Board

Nail Salon Branding by J. Alexandria Creative | Brand Board Design

Nail Salon Business Card Design by J. Alexandria Creative | Branding

Nail Salon Branding by J. Alexandria Creative | Logo Design and Collateral

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