Whether you're looking for some quick tips and tricks to elevate your brand and website, or you just want to take a peek behind the curtain to see our current projects and our process, the J. Alexandria Creative blog is where you need to be.
Recent posts
Join us for a Designer Round Table with our JAC Designers, Lauren Brown, Emily Foster and Creative Director, Jade Buford! Highlights How to know which website platform to look to for your specific business Designer experiences with different platforms and their recommendations A platform breakdown – Finding out which platform feels most intuitive to you! […]
Our team loves helping with a ShowIt Template installation! Ana Carter is an Arizona based photographer focusing on weddings and portraits! She wanted a minimal, yet high end, feel when prospective clients visit her website. We customized the Agave Showit template to create an elegant and editorial experience. To begin our project, we […]
Your Black Friday Strategy Session Highlights All things Black Friday prep for your small business Getting organized for a more strategic Black Friday approach What you can get started on NOW to benefit you later! Auditing and testing your website to ensure a smooth customer experience Description Welcome back to The Brand Files! In […]
If you’ve checked out our latest podcast episode, we’ve been discussing things that can help business owners prepare for a web design project. One of those things is having headshots ready to submit for your About Me page on your website. As a small business owner, it’s SO important to have a photo of you […]
Highlights Getting organized to begin the website launch process Reasons to invest in high quality brand photography for your business Content creation – Why it’s one of the most important steps in creating a website How writing everything out can help you navigate your vision & goals Navigating email marketing Description: Planning to launch […]
Planning things for your business can be overwhelming. It’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day and lose track of the bigger picture of your business year! Also, writing down everything you’d like done in a whole year is a daunting task. Instead of that, I shifted my mindset to quarterly planning years ago […]
Highlights: Navigating a multi-passionate & business oriented lifestyle Maintaining Intention in Entrepreneurship Utilizing Katy’s Triangle Method to Balance Multiple Passions Nurturing Long Term Goals – and their Alignment with Intentions Description: Katy Murray is a business owner, entrepreneur, employee, mother and wife. Receiving multiple awards and recognition for her Photography Talent, Katy’s images have […]
I finally had the chance to see Barbie last week and I LOVED it. 💅 Of course my designer brain is always turning and it got me thinking about Barbie and our ShowIt templates 💭 Margot Robbie’s character is Stereotypical Barbie – the original doll – and she is surrounded by so many high […]
Combining Your Passions to Build a Business You Love with Ine Wilmé Coetzee of Inner Voice Institute of Music Click the graphic above or here to listen to the newest episode Highlights: Hobbies can translate into profitable business ventures The skillsets used to learn music can mirror the skills you need as an entrepreneur […]
Want a masterclass in EXPERT marketing execution? Enter Taylor Swift. If you’ve paid any attention over the years, you know that Taylor Swift’s marketing for her albums is impeccable. She’s built a massive audience of loyal fans who have literally grown up with her for the last 13 years, who know her SO well and […]
Follow J. Alexandria Creative on Instagram to see our latest projects and behind the scenes of how we make beautiful branding and website designs happen!