Website for a Wedding Photographer

February 14, 2023

Filed in: Web Design

We worked with Mary Winford to elevate this website for a wedding photographer.  Mary works hard to provide a relaxed, but fun, wedding day experience for her clients and we wanted to to highlight that throughout her website template installation.  We made sure it had an elevated vibe, included fun and joyous portfolio images, and highlighted her client workflow right on her website to help prospective wedding couples know what to expect.


One thing we loved about working with Mary is that she has an About Me video she wanted to include on her website.  This is such a fun and personal way to quickly build a relationship with prospective clients.  Her sweet personality shines so brightly on her About Me page.




Everything came together beautifully!

Go peek at her wedding photography website and see if you can find the llamas

– they are the cutest!


wedding photography website layout

The Wedding Experience for her clients:

wedding photography website layout, order of services

About Me Page for a Wedding Photographer:

Wedding Photographer About Me Page

Are you looking for help with a fully customized new website or a website template installation?  Reach out to my team, we’d be thrilled to help create the website of your dreams!


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