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J. Alexandria Creative Blog

Marketing, branding, and Showit web design tips for the busy entrepreneur.

Don’t tell the others. . .but ShowIt is our favorite website builder and we wanted to share our ShowIt Discount Code with you.    When you go to create a website, you have to set up two parts: a domain (this is the URL that you pay to own) a hosting platform (where the website […]

Jade Buford, ShowIt, ShowIt Discount Code, ShowIt Affiliate Link, ShowIt Referral Code

The Salesgirls Website was SUCH a fun website project! My friends Kat and Macy are growing their business and were ready for a website overhaul! 🙌 Sometimes our business outgrows our website and that was totally the case for The Salesgirls. Their audience evolved as their business grew and that’s how they knew it was […]

The Salesgirls, The Salesgirls Website, Coaching Website

ShowIt Templates are great for new businesses! Angler’s Point is a new fishing village that was ready to launch a website. They specialize in offering a relaxing, lakeside getaway for you no matter what your ideal accommodations are.  Like many businesses, they are in the early phase of development and loved the idea of a […]

Our ShowIt Templates are ready for fall! We love showing you how our templates can be used in a multitude of ways depending on your business needs. We’ve given tips on how to select a template in the past, but today we just wanted to show you our designs with other aesthetics.   Our Template: […]

Our team loves helping with a ShowIt Template installation! Ana Carter is an Arizona based photographer focusing on weddings and portraits!   She wanted a minimal, yet high end, feel when prospective clients visit her website. We customized the Agave Showit template to create an elegant and editorial experience.   To begin our project, we […]

What does your mobile website look like? Did you know roughly 55% of internet users are browsing on mobile devices? This is why it’s so important to make sure your web design is great on all devices- desktop, tablet, and mobile 📱.   Good web experiences ➡️ Happy consumers If you’re DIY-ing your pages, make sure […]

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